Dated: 29 Dec, 2019
Over the festive season I have been wondering what the hell I am doing here? I really like the idea of a web site dedicated to my Fantasy City and World of Barnaynia and getting my work out there on the internet has been a blast! But the sales haven't really been, well, good. I have shifted a few units and it's nice to get some credit for that but am I achieving anything?
Well, yes. I am. I am achieving a lifetime's ambition of getting into print. I am not making a living but was that the point? Well, it would have been nice but, at the core of it, I had some cool ideas and I wanted to share them with people. So I have.
Now... do I really want to make money from it? Sure, but it seems unlikely at present... So I realised what I really wanted to do was share my stuff with people.
This meant a major change in my sales plan - change everything to PAY WHAT YOU WANT. This seemed ideal - sharing my ideas and allowing people to donate if and wehen they wanted to.
But I still have to pay for Website fees, gift copies and such so I have reduced the the price of the core books by a half, rather than PWYW, to see what happens. This is still a bargain for two books of over 200 pages each, stuffed with ideas and such. Now we shall see if I can make any headway...
I also have plans for the future - the second adventure, The Trials of a Young Wizard is out there and flying off the shelves at the new reduced price (over 100 copies shifted already!). The City Guide to Karan should be out in a couple of weeks and the Gazeteers for the whole World of Barnaynia and the Land of the Young are next - mostly written but not yet illustrated or laid out... Thank-you to you and all my customers for taking the time and seeing what I have to offer - you are all welcome.
And thanks for the REVIEWS:
The Trials of a Young Wizard:
The Warren:
The Traveller's Guide:
And another for the Warren: [although goblins are Lawful Evil not Chaotic Evil, but otherwise a very useful review]
Stay tuned for more banana-shaped fun and games!