The Dunromin University Press web-page is the place to be for all the latest information about the Barnaynia, Land of the Young and Dunromin fantasy role-playing game setting.
The Fabulous City of Dunromin
Capital of the Land of the Young, Greatest City on Barnaynia
The Ultimate Fantasy City play setting for Fantasy Role Playing


We'll post here with ideas and news about all things Dunromin and banana shaped.  If there's anything that catches you eye or any questions you want answering please get in touch...

What is OSR?

Date: 01 Sep, 2024

This is a well-trodden path, but I don’t mind following the path most trodden now and then, so here’s my two-pen’th worth (or ten cents if you are over the pond). And I’m thinking aloud here, I’m not telling anyone...

To Kick-Start or not to Kick-Start?

Date: 14 Jun, 2024

Let me start by saying that my experience of Kick-Starters is limited.... The first bike I rode had a kick-start. A Yamaha DT-175 when I was about 11 or 12 I think. I wasn’t actually heavy enough to turn the...